• Welcome to MyUM

السلام عليكم / Salam Sejahtera

Warga kampus yang dihormati,

Merujuk kepada penamatan PKPD di mukim-mukim di Selangor dan kemaskini terkini SOP Pelan Pemulihan Negara (PPN) Fasa 1 pada 16 Julai 2021, Pengurusan Universiti telah bersetuju supaya pengurusan COVID-19 di dalam universiti dilaksanakan selaras dengan SOP PPN Fasa 1 tersebut.

Sehubungan dengan itu, semua warga Universiti Malaya (staf dan pelajar) dimohon untuk mematuhi arahan-arahan berikut:

A. Pelajar (Asasi, Sarjana Muda dan Pasca Ijazah)

  1. Pelajar tidak dibenarkan untuk pulang ke rumah atau kembali ke kampus sepanjang tempoh ini.
  2. Pelajar antarabangsa hendaklah mematuhi SOP EMGS sedia ada.

B. Pengajaran & Pembelajaran (PdP)

  1. PdP hendaklah dilaksanakan dalam talian bagi kesemua program.
  2. Penilaian secara fizikal atau bersemuka tidak dibenarkan.

C. Aktiviti Penyelidikan

Aktiviti Penyelidikan tidak dibenarkan kecuali bagi aktiviti yang berkaitan dengan spesimen/ sampel hidup yang memerlukan kehadiran staf/ pelajar secara minima untuk tempoh terhad dengan kebenaran TNC (Penyelidikan & Inovasi).

D. Keluar Masuk Kampus Bagi Pelajar

  1. Pelajar dalam dan luar kampus tidak dibenarkan untuk keluar dan memasuki kampus sepanjang tempoh ini (walaupun pelajar telah lengkap dua dos suntikan vaksin COVID-19).
  2. Pelajar yang sedang menjalani latihan industri juga tidak dibenarkan untuk keluar kampus.

E. Kakitangan

  1. Semua kakitangan diwajibkan bekerja dari rumah (BDR) kecuali bagi perkhidmatan perlu (essential services) seperti yang ditentukan oleh Ketua Portfolio masing-masing (NC, semua TNC, Pendaftar, Bendahari dan Pengarah PPUM); dan
  2. Tata cara BDR yang dikeluarkan oleh Pejabat Pendaftar melalui emel bertarikh 21 Mei 2021 perlu dirujuk dan dibaca bersama arahan ini.

F. Aktiviti Rasmi, Tidak Rasmi dan Majlis Sosial Secara Fizikal

  1. Aktiviti Rasmi, Tidak Rasmi dan Majlis Sosial secara fizikal tidak boleh diadakan dalam tempoh ini;
  2. Seminar, bengkel, kursus, latihan, persidangan, ceramah, pameran dan aktiviti berkaitan dengan Meeting, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions (MICE) secara bersemuka tidak dibenarkan; dan
  3. Muzium, perpustakaan dan galeri seni tidak dibuka dalam tempoh ini.

G. Kontraktor

  1. Kontraktor tidak dibenarkan memasuki kampus; dan
  2. Kontraktor yang menawarkan perkhidmatan kritikal perlu mendapat kebenaran bertulis daripada TNC (Pembangunan).

H. Aktiviti Sukan

Hanya aktiviti sukan dan rekreasi secara individu sahaja dibenarkan.

I. Kafeteria dan Kedai Runcit

  1. Kafeteria dan kedai runcit dibenarkan beroperasi antara 8.00 pagi sehingga 8.00 malam.
  2. Hanya makanan bungkus sahaja dibenarkan.

J. Kemasukan Kenderaan Awam

  1. Memandangkan UM dipilih sebagai Pusat Pemberian Vaksin (PPV), hanya kenderaan penerima vaksin sahaja dibenarkan masuk dan keluar untuk tujuan vaksinasi.
  2. Perkhidmatan Grab, Foodpanda dan penghantaran makanan dibenarkan dengan pematuhan SOP yang ketat.

K. Pemantauan dan Penguatkuasaan

  1. Ketua PTj, Pejabat Keselamatan, OSHE dan Jawatankuasa COVID-19 BHEP akan menguatkuasakan ketetapan di atas;
  2. OSHE, Pejabat Keselamatan dan Jawatankuasa COVID-19 BHEP akan melaksanakan pemeriksaan dan penguatkuasaan di PTj termasuk kolej kediaman secara berkala bagi menentukan SOP kawalan dan pencegahan COVID-19 dipatuhi.


Seperti yang disarankan YAB Perdana Menteri, semua warga kampus haruslah sentiasa mematuhi arahan ini. Ini adalah tanggungjawab kita untuk memastikan penularan wabak COVID-19 dapat dihentikan. Sebarang pengumuman akan dikeluarkan melalui emel rasmi dan laman-laman media sosial rasmi UM dari semasa ke semasa.

Sebarang pertanyaan berkenaan arahan ini, sila hubungi nombor 03-7967 3532.

Saya doakan agar kita semua dipelihara dari wabak COVID-19 dan usaha kita diberkati Allah SWT.

Sekian, terima kasih.


Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Pengurusan COVID-19 UM
Dikeluarkan pada 31 Mei 2021


Dear respected campus community,

Following the announcement made by The Honourable Prime Minister, Tan Sri Dato’ Haji Muhyiddin Yassin on the 28th May 2021, the Government has decided to implement the first phase Total Lockdown for the entire country for the social and economy sectors from 1st June 2021 to 14th June 2021.

Hence, all UM campus community (staff and students) are required to follow the following directives:

A. Students (Foundation, Undergraduates and Post-graduates)

  1. Students are not allowed to travel back home or return to campus during this period.
  2. International students are to adhere to Existing EMGS SOP.

B. Teaching and Learning (T&L)

  1. T&L will be implemented online for all programmes.
  2. Physical examinations are not allowed.

C. Research Activities

Research activities will not be allowed except for activities involving live specimens/samples that require the minimum care by the staff/student for a limited (short) period of presence with the permission from Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research & Innovations).

D. Entering/Leaving Campus for Students

  1. In- and off-campus students are not allowed to enter or leave the campus during this period (including those who have completed 2 doses of COVID-19 vaccine).
  2. Students who are undergoing Industrial Training are also not allowed to leave the campus.

E. Staff

  1. All staff are required to Work From Home (WFH) except for essential services as determined by the respective Head of Portfolio (VC, DVCs, Registrar, Bursar and UMMC Director); and
  2. The WFH issued by Registrar’s Office (via email dated 21st May 2021) should be referred to and read together with this Order.

F. Official, Unofficial And Social Events/Activities

  1. All physical official, unofficial and social events or activities are not permitted during this period;
  2. All physical seminars, workshops, courses, trainings, conferences, talks, exhibitions and activities related to Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions (MICE) are not permitted; and
  3. Museums, libraries and art galleries will be closed during this period.

G. Contractors

  1. Contractors are not allowed to enter the campus; and
  2. Contractors providing critical services are required to obtain written permission from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Development).

H. Sports Activities

Only individual sport and recreational activities are allowed.

I. Cafetarias and Grocery Stores

  1. Cafetarias and grocery stores are allowed to be open from 8.00 am to 8.00 pm.
  2. Only take away are allowed.

J. Entry of Public Vehicles

  1. Since UM has been assigned as one of the vaccination centre (PPV), entry of public vehicles and transportation are permitted for vaccination purposes.
  2. Grab, FoodPanda and food delivery services are allowed with strict SOP.

K.  Monitoring and Enforcement

  1. The Head of PTj, Security Office, OSHE and Student Affairs COVID-19 Committee will enforce the above measures; and
  2. OSHE, Security Office and Student Affairs COVID-19 Committee will conduct periodic inspection and enforcement at PTj including residential colleges to ensure the compliance of the existing SOPs.

As advised by The Honourable Prime Minister, all campus citizens are required to comply with this Order. It is our responsibility to ensure the COVID-19 outbreak are stopped. Future updates and announcements will be made periodically through official emails and UM official social media websites.

For any enquiries on this Order, please contact 03-7967 3532.

I pray that all of us are safe from COVID-19 and our efforts will be blessed by the Almighty and Compassionate Allah SWT.

Thank you.

Yours respectfully.


Chairman, UM COVID-19 Management Committee
Issued on 31 May 2021